
Effective business management and sustained growth hinge on the timely access to crucial information. Key data points, such as debtor ageing, sales figures broken down by periods, stock ageing, and item and party-specific profit/loss statements, are integral for informed decision-making and fostering business expansion.

Keeping above in mind we have created a product named Monday Reporting, a dynamic solution designed to deliver essential reports imperative for decision-making every Monday. Our product ensures that you have the critical insights required for steering your business in the right direction, facilitating proactive decision-making, and enabling sustained growth.

With Monday Reporting, you can count on receiving comprehensive and actionable information, empowering you to stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions that drive your business towards success.

Why Monday ?

By providing essential reports on Monday, your team can hit the ground running, armed with the latest information to guide their actions throughout the week. This proactive approach allows for better planning, resource allocation, and response to emerging trends or challenges.

In essence, leveraging Monday as the reporting day aligns with the psychology of fresh starts and primes your business for a successful and productive week.

Which Reports will be shared ?

Management has the option to choose any five reports from the below given 10 reports to be reported every monday.

  1. Debtors Ageing – Month wise ageing (Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep etc) and days wise (< 30 days, 30-60 days, 60-90 day etc) (Monitor and manage cash flow by tracking timely customer payments.)
  2. Monthly sale summary party wise – Alongwith report on parties which have not purchased in the last 4 months, 3 months, 2 months and 1 month. (Identify and re-engage inactive customers, optimizing sales strategies.)
  3. Monthly sale summary item wise – Alongwith report on items which have not been sold in the last 4 months, 3 months, 2 months and 1 month. (Optimize inventory by addressing slow-moving items and boosting sales of popular ones.)
  4. Items approaching re-order levels – List of items approaching re-order level of 60 days, 90 days and 120 days of consumption. (Ensure stock availability by timely reordering of items approaching depletion.)
  5. Expiry and Near Expiry Items – Separate reports on items expiring in 1 Month, 2 Months, 3 Months, 4 months, 5 months and 6 months. (Minimize losses by addressing and managing expiring inventory in a timely manner.)
  6. State Wise Turnover – State wise turnover and Gross Profit for the month and year to date. This will help in targeting ads. (Target advertising efforts effectively by understanding regional sales performance.)
  7. District wise turnover – Turnover split into districts using the pincode in the address. (Optimize sales strategies by analyzing district-wise turnover using pincode data.)
  8. Debtors GP Summary – Year to date Gross Profit party wise with Top 50 and Lowest 50. (Evaluate customer profitability, identifying high and low gross-profit contributors.)
  9. Stock GP Summary – Year to date Gross Profit on each and every item with Top 50 and Lowest 50. (Optimize inventory management by assessing gross profits on each item.)
  10. Sales to stock ratio in days – Item wise stock turnover ratios as on date for all the items, alongwith top 50 fast moving items 50 slowest moving items. (Fine-tune inventory levels with insights into stock turnover rates for items.)
  11. Any other specific report as per requirement.

Which Reports should I opt for ?

Every week of the month carries different importance w.r.t. decision making, for example in starting days management needs to focus efforts on areas which can increase sale and by the end of the month, management will need information on what has been achieved. Considering this we suggest that one can opt for below given bifurcation for effective decision making.

1st Monday2nd Monday3rd Monday4th Monday
Debtors AgeingDebtors AgeingDebtors AgeingDebtors Ageing
Monthly sale summary party wiseMonthly sale summary party wiseMonthly sale summary party wiseMonthly sale summary party wise
Items approaching re-order levelsItems approaching re-order levelsItems approaching re-order levelsItems approaching re-order levels
Expiry and Near Expiry ItemsSales to stock ratio in daysDebtors GP SummaryState Wise Turnover
Monthly sale summary item wiseStock GP SummaryMonthly sale summary item wiseDistrict wise turnover

How will this be done ?

  1. Our executive will take Marg Data Backup on Monday morning. ( In the rare instance of a public holiday or urgent circumstances, which will be communicated in advance, this activity may be shifted to Tuesday.)
  2. Following the data backup, our executive will meticulously work on extracting and analyzing the relevant data to create the desired reports.
  3. By the end of the day, these comprehensive reports will be compiled and promptly shared with your team.

What will be the charge for this activity ?

Our pricing for the aforementioned service is tailored to the volume of data involved, commencing at Rs 12,000 per month. Monthly billing will be applied for the provided services.


With Monday Reporting, empower your business with actionable insights, setting the stage for a successful and productive week. Make informed decisions, foster growth, and stay ahead of the curve with our dynamic reporting solution.

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